Baby Aaron is here
aresHey ladies sorry it took me so long to post my birth story but as you well know, the holidays are so hectic and I have not had time to sit at the computer till today. Baby Aaron came on 12/22/10 at 1:04am. he was 20 1/4 inches long and 7lbs 10oz. I labord for two days, and stalled at 4 cm. My midwife ad me walk the unit for three LONG hours, and my ctx started coming 2 to 3 minutes apart and 6cm dialated. She broke my water and the ctx started coming back to back with no rest periods. I had wanted to go natural, but the pain was unbearable. I opted for the epidural, but the first try did not take. Only one side of my body was numb but I could feel the pain in the other sde. Th anesthesiologist had to redo it a second and third time. I fell asleep and when I woke up the nurse told me that I had been pushing in my sleep. My usband gave me a cup of water that he sai my father had instructed me to drink. He said my fathr told him that it wasblessed and it would help me deliver like a "hebrew woman" for those of us who know what the bible says about the hebrew woman's portion. After drinking the water, I started to throw up, and the nurse rushed out to get my midwife. She said the baby's head was out and after 2 pushes, my Son Aaron was out. No troubles.
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Thanx I appreciate it
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I want to post pics but I dont know how
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Thanx for all the luv guys God Bless u all
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